This guy caught me out. I quote, with editorials in italics,
Hey, I found a fairly slick blog (its flattering) claiming to be completely independantly produced by an 18yr old (still 18 today). However, it’s clearly a Microsoft site complete with Apple-bashing (an eye-for-an-eye), a NineMSN commercial (NineMSN sucks), a story title “MSNBC deceived the public: Vista’s speech recognition demo” and MS-critic bashing (so whats why I kept countless MS-bashing comments in my blog), with a few lame attempts to throw people of the the fairly rank scent of the Microsoft Corporation.
Microsofts Faux Blog [] (thats me!)
I thought you could do your part and call MS out on this one by leaving a comment to the effect of “We know this is a Microsoft astroturf advertisment that intentionally aims to mislead readers to beleive messages that benefit the corporations agenda (profit!).”
…Or you could just flame be and tell me how redundant this is.
Now that you’ve brought the subject up, I’d love to write the Microsoft Faux Blog. But it sucks that I have to study full-time at Monash University.
I don’t blame him for thinking that 😀
No, you’re the biggest MS-zealot in the world 😀
Wow – you update your blog quickly. I mean, that comment’s only been up on Slashdot for a whole minute at least. Generating a bit of traffic are we? Pity I can’t see the ads.
@Apple PR: Why would I want ads?
Ah, but if it wasn’t for ‘that guy’ I wouldn’t have wasted the past hour reading through the rest of your blog 🙂
Slick voice-control demo. Your apps load quick, that must be some beefy laptop!
(reads comments in screen-cap post)
Ok, know what laptop it is now 🙂
Haha.. amusing.
I especially like your uni photo…but who’s that girl with you? 😯
“Hello. My name is Dory. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a fish.”
@ Palli: Couldn’t agree more 😀 Long is biggest IT Company Whore I have ever seen… And that’s quite a bit, coming from someone who frequents Mac communities… :-“
Hahaha, that poster got modded down to -1, Offtopic for the post you linked to, and to 0, Offtopic when he posted the exact same thing in another thread. What a doofus.
I’ve been following this blog for the past few weeks, by the way. I really like it. Keep it up. Looks like you’re getting pretty popular.
I’m not so surprised he thinks that either. You’re quite a Microsoft suck-up, admit it 😉
We know this is a Microsoft astroturf advertisment that intentionally aims to mislead readers to beleive messages that benefit the corporations agenda.
lol. Oh no Long, I can’t respect you anymore!
On a more serious note, that has to be the stupidest assumption I’ve ever seen. I proved Voice Recognition works, and now everyone thinks I work for Microsoft. I hope to God that guy was kidding.
microsoft person here
long doesn’t work for microsoft.
he is a fanboy. no denying that.
he will be presenting with me at a microsoft event, but he is not a microsoft employee
We know this is a Microsoft astroturf advertisment that intentionally aims to mislead readers to beleive messages that benefit the corporations agenda.
Also I can’t spell. And I use Slashdot as my main news source. Everyone must think I’m brilliant.
(Sorry, I was trolling the archives and could not resist.)