[flv:sony_playdoh.flv 670 380]
Awwwwwwwe. Quick, someone buy some Bravia TVs so Sony can keep making these awesome ads. Learn more about the process and backstory at Duncan’s TV Ad Land or visit the official site.
Here was a the teaser released a few days ago.
WOWW!!! that is one of the best AD’s i Saw Ever!
They have the entire ad now at the Bravia website – quite awesome!
That was glorious.
Here’s the inspiration:
That is pretty neat. Sony Bravia ads are pretty neat in general. Although I wish Sony would do the same with their VAIO laptops, they’re something worth bragging about.
Does anybody know the tune that plays in the video? I really want to know.
LOL the only thing I was able to think of while watching this nice ad was Apple’s first color iMac lineup which used the same Rolling Stones tune.
And that is an answer for Michael as well: Rolling Stones – She’s a Rainbow.
That is a group of some really passionate people, the animators. I would never have so much patience…
Yeah that Ad brings back the memories from Apple’s colour iMacs Ad (where they’re spinning around with a white background).
The ending was quite unexpected actually. Go Sony!
I don’t know if Bravia is a good LCD, but I WANT ONE!
this ad is amazing!
Anyone knows, is it aviable to download in hd?
@Zim: Yes, Bravia is a very good LCD. We bought one recently.
I’m wondering what the song in the preview video is (not the Rolling Stones song in the full video).
It sounds like a cover of a Sigur Ros song done without guitars in a more Mum style.
“Inspiration” is a kind way to refer to it, “use without permission” may be a more accurate representation:
Nice bunniese. I am in a delight
Download: http://bravia.sony.eu/assets/homepage/Playdoh_Web_442x250_high.flv
about:config, not stupid ;] Thanks Long!
I like this Bravia Ad even more than the 200,000 ball one! Anyone else see that one?