Honestly, I don’t read books. The only books I read are those necessary to pass end-of-semester exams. So these books are quite useless to me. Nevertheless, I’m sure everyone else reads and appreciates books. The very bald Paul Glavich (as pictured third from the left) has provided me with 2 copies of the “Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET” books hot-off-the-press from wrox.
According to Amazon, this book will guide you through using the open source Ajax.NET Professional Library, how to utilize the Asynchronous Client Script Callbacks functionality that comes with ASP.NET 2.0, using XMLHttpRequest Objects, overview of XML & XSLT as well as integrating Microsoft’s Ajax framework Atlas into the many services in ASP.NET 2.0. Basically if any of the keywords: AJAX, Web 2.0, XML, Atlas, or ASP.NET interests you, then this is relevant to you!
This book is for programmers who use ASP.NET and are just starting to use Ajax technologies to create more responsive, modern applications. Otherwise, it is also for people who wants a freebie.
I had a quick flip this book and the aroma of freshly printed books is just so soothing. Apart from the smell, I also noticed heaps of screenshots, source codes and diagrams to help you understand whatever they’re talking about. Its as easy as a piece of cake.
Enter the giveaway to win 1 of 2 copies of the Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET book valued at US$40.
Competition closes Thursday 5th of October, 2006.
This is a random prize-draw, the quality of your response will not be judged.
Yes – I definitely read. And am greatly interested in Ajax/Atlas. I’d love to get my hands on a copy of this book – especially free!
I’d love to win a copy.
I’ll give it a shot.
I’ve been looking for the right jumpstart to learn AJAX and ASP. This book would be a great start …
Why not?
Well working on an Ajax project, I’d like to review the book
Getting hold of a copy would be just grand.
gimme, gimme , gimme
If I win this book, then I will learn how to read.
I want the book 🙂
I want a copy of the book…
I would, indeed, be honoured to receive such an august publication.
See a review here: