Adobe has been updating its website due to the launching of Adobe Acrobat Reader 8, but unexpectedly, I also noticed a link to the Photoshop CS3 beta also featured. As the byline states, it is supposed to be released “today”, but neither does the image or link pointing to Adobe Labs work.
Either this was leaked early, or the site is not ready yet. Even if it doesn’t come out today, it is definitely coming soon.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 has been a long-awaited for release for Mac users since it will finally support Intel-based Macs natively. It will also bring the much anticipated non-destructive layer filtering feature. Think Secret estimated CS3 could ship as early as end of this year or next year, but a beta now in December confirms it won’t be shipping this year.
This is will be the first time Adobe is releasing a public beta for its flagship design application, Photoshop. Recently, Adobe has tried to become more transparent with its internal developments with the introduction of Adobe blogs and Adobe Labs – a community environment for pre-release testing of software and technologies.
Update: Adobe has since removed the link on the frontpage. Not a good sign 🙁
Update 2: I have contacted Adobe to comment on this.
Update 3: Adobe has declined to comment. “What we can say is that web hiccups happen from time to time.”
Update 4: AppleInsider says the beta will be released this Friday, the 15th of December. They also have some nice information on CS3 like an “Advanced” SKU. However I don’t like how they stated “the CS3 beta was reported exclusively by AppleInsider” about 4 days after this post.
I want it now.. and I want it now! >__
Ehh, what about Fireworks 9? 😛
Fireworks 9 isn’t coming. At least, thats what i read somewhere a while ago :p
It’s Adobe Creative Suite, not Studio. 🙂
@someone: Corrected 🙂
Fireworks 9 IS being developed as part of CS3
CS2 was a big disappointment thanks to the stupid Bridge program. I hope CS3 isn’t so CPU-intense so that running multiple programs is a chore like it has been.
I used one of our other machines at work today that still has cs1, can’t believe just how much quicker cs1 apps are to operate… how can something become quite soo sluggish and resource hogging without actually visually/usefully changing the environment much…
Adding features, fair enough- but how would that slow down the entire application? its insane..
I really hope we get it soon, I’m on a mac and can’t stand using Rosetta to run Photoshop. It’s not bad speedwise, but it’s not blazing fast like it should be on this computer. Same goes for Microsoft Office 2004.
Office 2004?
The Mac version of Office is 2004.
I forgot to add, I’m guessing that a CS3 beta will become available around the time of MacWorld.
I didn’t know Adobe was that closely related to the Mac. Too bad, I love Adobe, and I’m only partial to Mac.
I do like OS X a lot though.
Forget OSX (Well, perhaps don’t forget it – just shove it to one side).
CS2 doesn’t work properly on Windows Vista, either – it’s not compatible with Aero and the Adobe Updater doesn’t work. I believe that’s a problem with IE7, actually – it happened to a lot of XP users.
So no PS? So because it says of it, then it must happening soon?
If PSCS3 never surfaces, we should all switch over to Paint Shop Pro!
That may not be necessary. If Adobe made the mistake to have their page with the PS CS3 details beforehand, then they should have it for release close by. Just keep your eyes on the Adobe Labs as that is the default landing page for most Adobe Product Betas.
PhotoShop CS3 Beta for MAC will be available tomorrow. (Friday)
THey removed the link from their frontpage but the application is still available for download. Actually I am downloading it right now.. But as they probably have a reason to have removed the link from their frontpage I am not copying the link here…
thee is a link on there website to download it…
look at the bottom of the page 😉