Oh boy, a Microsoft roadmap, haven’t seen one of these in a while. This is extracted from Steve Ballmer’s Powerpoint presentation at Microsoft Show and Tell (Financial Analyst Meeting) 2007 yesterday. I’m surprised Mary Jo Foley or Todd Bishop haven’t picked this up earlier. I’ve noted some of my items of interest with a red asterisk.

Operating Systems
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows Small Business Server Code name "Cougar"
- Windows Server Code Name "Centro"
- Windows Vista SP1*
- Windows Server 2008 Update Release*
- Windows Server 2008 SP1*
- Forefront Code Name "Stirling"
- Forefront Client Security
- Forefront Security for Office Communications Server
- Forefront Security Management Console
- Intelligent Gateway Application 2007
- Forefront Security for Exchange Server "14"
- Forefront Security for SharePoint "14"
IT Operations
- System Center Operations Manager 2007
- System Center Virtual Machine Manager
- System Center Essentials "v2"
- System Center Service Manager
- System Center Configuration Manager 2007
- System Center Capacity Planner 2007
- System Center Data Protection Manager "v2"
- Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007
- Desktop Optimization Pack for Software Assurance
- Windows Live
- Office Live
- adCenter
- XBOX Live
- Live Search
- Office Communications Server 2007
- Office Communicator 2007
- Expression Studio
- Speech Server 2007
- Microsoft Tellme*
- Office:mac
Entertainment & Devices
- Zune*
- Mediaroom
- Windows Embedded CE
- Wndows Automotive
- Windows Media
- Surface
- Office Mobile
- XBOX 360 Elite*
Business Platform
- Dynamics NAV
- Dynamics AX
- Dynamics SL
- Dynamics GP
- Dynamics CRM
- Dynamics Live CRM
- Dynamics Entrepreneur Solution
Application Platform
- SQL Server 2008
- BizTalk Server R2
- .NET Framework
- Visual Studio 2008
- Popfly
- Expression Studio V2*
- Silverlight
This above information contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. If you make investments based on this information alone, you are an ass. Please remove yourself from the stock market immediately.
Wait, there’s going to be a Vista SP1? First I’ve heard of it!
Where is Windows Home Server on that list… or is that Windows Server codename Centro?
@Chunk72: You’re right, this list miss a few things.
Not sure what Expression Studio is doing under Collaboration.
Strange that they are talking about Forefront products for the Office 14 suite, but no mention of 14 anywhere else.
Long… it’s time for you to dig more 🙂
@Alex: Yeah Expression Studio under Collaboration is interesting, although I think what they mean is developers and designers collaborating together, long-stretch, but it makes some sense.
Wow. That’s a pretty big list. A whole lot of stuff categories and stuff. And that’s just some of it.
It’s amazing they haven’t really delved into the Education Platform yet. ‘Encarta’ anyone? I could see Encarta being an educational platform for schools, you know, with encyclopedia, virtual textbooks, and school of the future works. Encarta as of now is so lackluster. Education technology still remains untapped and low-tech.
I wonder what Windows Automotive is like, or will be.
Why are the Zune and 360 elite of importance?
@Electronic Punk: Well the Zune is obviously receiving an update very soon so that’ll be interesting to keep track of, and the XBOX 360 Elite is interesting because they specifically say Elite, not the standard version. Maybe they’re updating just the Elite?
Alex, good eye, interesting they are “acknowledging” Office 14 Server Products this early in development. (And the BETA cycle continues).
Updating just the elite would make sense i guess.
Put HDMI on the standard would mean you only had 1 mobo to make, guess that would be cheaper in the long term?
Hmm – interesting that Exchange “14” is mentioned under ForeFront, but not under Application or Collaboration … same for Sharepoint.
Chris, none of the products under Application is in the Office System brand and Office Communication Server 2007 just RTMed today. Also, I suspect they don’t want to bring too much attention to Office 14 too early, Office 2007 RTMed just over six months ago.
I have to question some things on the Operating Systems list. First I believe Windows Server 2008 Update Release is to be called Windows Server 2008 R2. Second Windows Server 2008 SP1 should instead be called SP2. The reasoning in this lies with the Server 2003 x64 SP2, XP x64 SP2 relationship. XP x64 started at the Server 2003 x64 SP1 code base. Now both Server 2003 x64 SP2 and XP x64 SP2 use the same code base, thus only 1 Service Pack is needed for both. There won’t be a XP x64 Service Pack called XP x64 SP1. This cuts down development time.
The development of Vista continues thru Server 2008. So when Server 2008 RTM’s along with Vista SP1, they will be at the same code base as well. This means when it’s time for the next Service Pack, it will be Vista SP2 and Server 2008 SP2. One Service Pack for 32 bit and One SP for 64 bit. There won’t be a Service Pack called Server 2008 SP1
Interesting things ahead 🙂
@Chunk72, Windows Home Server is “quatro”. Since it was RTM’d, I doubt it made this list for 2008.
@Michael, The MS education products are alive (but not necessarily well). The two main items in education right now is Sharepoint Learning Kit (the “successor” of class server). They killed class server, rebranded and released it as an open source project over on CodePlex. This is bothersome because open source to me says abandonment. I could be wrong though. More information is available at http://www.learninggateway.net/default.aspx . Microsoft is also trying to compete with Adobe’s Authorware, with a new product, code-named “grava”. It looks promising, but I haven’t been able to sneak into a beta or ctp,yet. (I won’t go into a further rant about how MS could rake into some real cash by wading further into the education software market. If you saw the majority of crap that poses as software at the education level here in the US, you would cry.)
Dang, i thought Centro was the upcoming Windows 2008 Small Business Server ?? I haven’t even heard Cougar mentioned before. I need to update my sources.
Oh well, Codenames… here is some information /w Source
Quattro – Windows Home Server (http://blogs.technet.com/homeserver/archive/2007/07/16/ship-it.aspx)
Centro – Windows Server for Mid Size Businesses, so something like a “bigger” SBS. http://blogs.technet.com/kent_compton/default.aspx
Cougar – Next release of SBS, Longhorn based. http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=166
Why can’t we find “Microsoft Commerce Server” ?
(latest version is Microsoft Commerce Server 2007)
Still having Microsoft Dynamics as separate products…..