Was looking through the new additions to the “I’M A PC” videos and guess who just showed up, Bill Gates. In case you’re wondering what WHG3 means, his full name is William Henry Gates III. If you’ve submitted a video and is waiting for it to show up, I’ve heard they’re looking into it and user submitted videos should show up more often now.
Oh, and if want to embed a video like I have, head over to my PC video browser.
billg can has cheezburger?
just notice a new Vista Ultimate Extras today
Microsoft Tinker
Ultimate Extras Sounds from Microsoft Tinker
Windows Dreamscene Content Pack #4
thanks for the heads-up zerlot!
@Matt Sharpe: yes, and sometimes more than one! 😛
Has anyone else installed the dreamscenes and been thoroughly disappointed with the strange noise flickering on top of the video?
Bill’s a PC and he likes Lexus LS’s.
Thanks for the heads up, zerlot!
Well I’m a PC and I like hamburgers.
I like cheeseburgers too!!!
I’m a PC and I also like cheesburgers :).
Hi, I’m a pc
And I like hamburgers 😀