If you thought you had too much free time, think again. Much to the frustration of many, remote controls have a tendency to feature very small buttons. So when “michbex” saw a super-sized Brookstone remote control at a shopping mall, he knew he had to do one better.
A true geek at heart, “michbex” and his partner-in-crime bought two Playstation 2 Dance Dance Revolution mats, a PS2-to-PC converter box, wrote a C# .NET library to interface with the mats and some more code to send appropriate keystrokes to Windows Media Center. (All of the source code is available from his site for download.) The result, is a Windows Media Center remote control fit for the Hulk.
To quote “michbex” himself, “What comes after multi-touch? Why not multi-step? Let’s see if this is the first STEP towards an incredible UX-paradigm-shift.” Classic.
I can see how useful this can be…
Microsoft could hire him and they will introduce “DANCE DANCE MEDIA CENTER!!!”
^^ i agree with MJ, “DANCE DANCE MEDIA CENTER” for the win!!!
it’s DDR: Media Center Edition!
i guess that is the definition of a Windows Media Center power user.. 😛
I guess MS is more than only reading your blog: http://channel8.msdn.com/Posts/Worlds-largest-Windows-Media-Center-remote-control/ *gg*