For a moment there, I thought all hope had been lost for a cool video segment to come out of WinHEC 2007. Usually there’s always something funny, something smart, something in-your-face to be enjoyed at the keynotes – it makes staying up at 2am worth just that little teeny weeny bit more. Of course the big blow came yesterday when Microsoft played the messiest ‘flashback’ feature I’ve ever seen – made for people with an attention-span of a second or less. For a marketing campaign worth $500 million, and the best Bill Gates quote they could find was “an operating system has never had parental controls before”. Even Bill had to pause for a moment to comprehend what was played behind him.
Needless to say, I didn’t have much of an expectation for day two. But then came this. A skit about “Certified for Windows Vista” involving a coach and a bunch of hardware devices. Might only make you smirk, but better than hitting rock bottom.
The next time your router plays up, you know what to do.
Guess I’ll have to give my router a good pep talk next time it acts up. lol