By now you’ve probably all read the required reading material that is the “Engineering 7” blog written by the emperor himself, Steven Sinofsky and silent partner Jon DeVaan. And what a read it is. Sinofsky is certainly a man of many words and he’s not afraid to use it, no surprise why he’s not on Twitter.
In case you were wondering just what he likes to say in the somewhat 4,800 words he’s written, then take a look at this (rather cool) word cloud I generated with Wordle. Easier to read I might add too.
To nobody’s surprise “Windows” is an obvious one, soon followed by “team”, “release” and “major”. Steven is also a big fan of singulars, “folks” and “customers”. Interestingly enough for someone who likes firm targets “might” had a lot of play yet I can’t find “will”. Furthermore, “performance” was mentioned more than “user-interface”, a trend I hope to balance out over time. Finally, nice to see some “developer” love too.
hehe, interesting.. but seems like a blog post done during a writer’s block
It is all about windows!. it is very focused. 😛
Hah! No… Long has to be the most original blogger I read! Think about the millions of other bloggers echoing every scrap of news across the blogosphere… endlessly debating about transparency, and APIs and why Windows should ditch everything and start again…
… and instead Long Zheng looks at it and the thing which occurs to him is.. what would this look like in Wurdle?…
Its why I love reading Istartedsomething! Haha keep it up!
If you take a closer look, one of the smallest words in the cloud is ‘security’. 😛
(right above ‘using,’ located at the bottom of the large W)
Now we know you are reading it… now to see if Sinofsky is reading you (but more importantly, the AeroTaskforce)!
Regarding user interface, guys at E7 should work on UI / UX of their blog. These loooooong lines are hard to read, so yea, I’m hoping for the same as you are Long regarding UI/UX stuff. We’ll se what happens in future.
@Yert: Apparently he’s seen (and liked) Aero Taskforce, but just won’t talk about it publically.
I see you Like drivers Long:
Has anyone noticed how Sinofsky manages to mention Mozart more often than Security? 😀
Why isn’t there a link to Engineering 7 and Sinofsky in your “My Friends” side pane? :p
Your tag cloud generation software considers “team” and “teams” to be different words….that seems odd. I thought plurals were usually merged.
Thanks for the link to Wordle. I hadn’t come across that before and it looks like great fun.
First time I’ve used Wordle, its fun!
My worldle of your blog: