It feels like just the right amount of time since we’ve seen one of these feel-good promotional videos from Microsoft. The latest, called the “Microsoft Flexible Workstyle Ad”, would easily take the trophy for the most products featured in a single video.
The cast of honors include several Windows 7 tablets and desktops, Windows Live SkyDrive, Lync Communicator, Microsoft RoundTable, Fujitsu Stylistic Q550 Slate, Office 2010 Broadcast Slideshow, LG Quantum Windows Phone 7, Samsung Focus and System Center 2010.
On a lighter note, it’s kind of funny the only thing that stands out in the video as not realistic are the overwhelming lens flares.
Update: The video has since been removed by Microsoft, for reasons beyond me.
These ads are great, but I rarely see them broadcasted on TV.
On another note, it just bugs me how they made the ad about having solutions for “you” but here I am, a leftie looking for solutions for pen navigation, using touch in Windows Live Photo Gallery just to name a few.
MS Pen Computing initiative is bio-polarity aware, you can setup the pen for Right or Left-handed usage. Find the settings under “Pen and Touch” in Control Panel. I should know, cause I am using one right now.
the scientist in the video is also leftie.
It’s got that annoyingly catchy tune in the background, images of lots of things that are completely unrelated to technology, and glimpses of things that are important… are we sure this is Microsoft instead of Apple? Of course we are… the stuff shown is actually honest, lol.
@SDreamer … sure there’s a solution for you. It’s called using your right hand, lol. But seriously, I hope that it’s something they take seriously during their touch innovations for Windows 8. 🙂
I like the product placement mix in this ad: lots of Thinkpads, Samsung and HTC hardware and both Flickr as well as a subtle Audioscrobbler logo make their appearance. Nice! 🙂
What do you think of the Surface logo that keeps popping-up in pics and videos these day? First was in the TechEd NZ last week, and in this video too (about 0:52), and I can’t remember where else I’d seen the “8” Surface logo. This is getting me real excited for BUILD, and I really hope MS hits it big there.
Any thoughts [by anyone else]?
thats the Fujitsu logo
What model of HTC phone at 0m57s mark? It doesn’t look like a HD7 or Trophy to me?
It’s the HTC Surround.
That the Windows XP logo I see at the end, or is it just me?
The video can now be seen here:
Shortly after WinRumors ran this post – – suggesting that the video shows the new taskbar UI for Windows 8, the video was taken down. I don’t think there could be any better confirmation of Tom Warren’s idea. Long! We need you to investigate and write a new post about this Windows 8 taskbar UI!!!
I’m pretty certain it has no connection to Windows 8. This video is most likely showing older stuff than newer stuff (it even has Windows Vista).
To me, it doesn’t really make much of a difference whether it is old or new stuff; I love watching a technical related video on technology no matter what it’s age is! 😛
Ditto on what Long said. You should seek a better source for your news.
The video is available here:
Also, its Windows 8.
*When I say “it’s Windows 8” it looks to be a previous iteration of it rather than what it actually is.
Errr, Owen, I think you missed the update. It’s clearly not Windows 8.