This is cross-posted from the MetroTwit development blog.
The anticipated major update to MetroTwit for Windows 8 has just been certified and is now rolling out to Windows 8 users around the world for customer download. You can see the details in the Windows Store here.
The significant new features added since our preview version are:
- Twitter Streaming support (and Twitter API 1.1 support)
- Added Twitter lists support
- Added multiple accounts support (requires MetroTwit Pro or Plus)
- Added inline media previews
- Added support for Twitter profile banners
- Fixed portrait and snap view support for many pages
- Fixed multiple crashes and instabilities
- Fixed emoji unicode support
- Added geolocation support
- Many new features
While it has taken us several months to prepare this update, we anticipate rolling out more features and bugfixes in the near future through the Windows Store.
Pricing: free upgrade for all current MetroTwit Plus users
MetroTwit Pro – the in-app upgrade removes the advertising inside MetroTwit for Windows 8 and also enables multiple-accounts support, and may include other professional features in the future. This is a $4.99 (AUD) in-app upgrade from the Windows Store.
Since we had very small beginnings with heartfelt support from many early adopters who paid for our Windows desktop application, we’d like to return the kindness with a special offer to all MetroTwit Plus users. Every MetroTwit Plus user gets free access to the Windows 8 app upgrade as well.
Simply copy and paste the MetroTwit Plus email code into the General Settings screen from the Settings charm to validate the upgrade.
Thank you all for your support
We would like to thank everyone for their patience and ongoing support of MetroTwit’s development. We are a very small team with big ambitions facing very harsh restrictions from Twitter, so seeing the overwhelmingly positive community response has been much appreciated. Please continue to rate and review our app.
We hope to also release a refreshing update to MetroTwit for Desktop soon.
— David Golden, Winston Pang, Long Zheng
Just paid for the Pro version. This is the first application I’ve paid for in the Windows Store.
I only hope that the Pro version won’t get put on torrent websites! 🙁
The Pro version is a key-based thing. It’s exactly the same code, so there’s no point.
Wish there was maximum feature parity as far as possible between desktop and Metro version even if the design was different. Focus on that for vNext please. 🙂
I really want to use this as my Twitter client, but there’s one bug that stops me: when sleeping my PC, not all of the tweets in my timeline are loaded when I resume.
Wow, this really does look great!
Now when can I get this on Windows Phone? 😉
Alright, so I have to amend my response… I’m having some trouble… after playing with it a bit, when I right click and go to lists, it crashes (consistently). Once I go back to the app, I no longer see my Timeline or Direct Messages, but Mentions and Favorites and My Tweets seem fine.
Also, I notice on the right click menu that you see accounts, but I don’t see a way to add multiple accounts or remove the existing one (in order to reset the app or just change it to another account completely).
That said, it really does look great, and I LOVE the snapped view and Search Charm integration! After a couple bug fixes, this is gonna be fantastic! 🙂
And a while later, I re-open the app and the timeline is fine again (lists still crash). I also notice that I’m not able to touchpad scroll on my laptop (Synaptics-based on a Dell). Works fine on my external mouse wheel though.
Nevermind about the accounts issue, I glossed over the upgrade to Pro piece (which I did).
I like the app, but there still are a lot of bugs. Sometimes all the tweets in the timeline disappear. I also paid for the Pro version, but on another computer I still have to use the normal version.
I have Plus/Pro configured on about 6 different Windows installs (Work PC 1, Work PC 2, Home PC, Home Laptop, Home Media centre, etc)…It seems to work fine.
Tremendous update from the preview.
Still some things happening though that need to be dealt with:
1. List management does not work (adding removing – creating a list and removing it is fine).
2. Subscribing to one of your own lists and then removing it from the Subscribed column will delete it. Must unsubscribe on the List page to avoid that. Needs to be a better warning system for that step. Bit me last night!
3. Trying to share anything from the Windows 8 UI does not work.
4. When typing a Tweet once I start the second line in the compose window the cursor jumps up to the first spot on the first line. Happens consistently.
I have heard of other issues with the timeline but have not experienced those myself yet.
Great App hope it continues to develop well.
It looks absolutely great. However, for usability there are some issues:
– No notifications; it’d be nice if there was an option to get notified about new tweets.
– No live tile; even if it was just a number of new tweets it would be great.
– When switching back to the app, if there are no new tweets the time (“X minutes ago”) for existing tweets does not update unless you manually click refresh.
– Because of the former, I’m often left wondering whether it actually checked for new tweets. Besides fixing the time issue, a “busy” notification (moving dots on the top of the screen, as per standard Win8) when refreshing and maybe a last updated time indication would be nice.
– If you switch away from the app while it’s on the search screen, sometimes the search results are gone when you switch back (maybe if it got suspended?).
– The fact that reply, view tweet, retweet etc. are only available from the app bar make them very inconvenient to reach with the mouse, and horrible to use with a laptop touchpad (the People app has retweet, reply buttons on each tweet and shows the tweet by default if you tap the tweet).
– Occasionally the bottom-left advertisement overlaps the app bar.
– I was trying to click my profile stats (X tweets, X following, etc) under my name. Might be nice to hook those up as links?
It’s definitely a good start. Hopefully you can bring it to greater feature parity with the desktop version.
Congrats Long and team, keep up the great work.
Great, if I had a Twitter account and a Microsoft account I’d totally try it.
installed Windows 8 and MetroTwit last night, now am getting rate limit messages. do i need to pay to remove that rate limiting message?
That’s a bug caused by a Twitter change. It will be fixed in the next update which is in Store certification now.
in that case, after the next update, MetroTwit will be the top honcho twitter client for Windows 8. luv the layout and color scheme 🙂
Great work Long, David and Winston. MetroTwit’s the first app I open in the morning, and the last I close at night. Such an easy, unobtrusive and smooth way to consume the flood of information that is Twitter.
Keep up the great work!