“Zegoe”, the new Zune font.

Zune 80GB menuThere’s been quite a few positive reviews about the new Zune user interface and specifically the new font lavishly featured in the home screen. For example, cnet mentions “the main menu screen has been replaced with stunning, oversized text that takes readability to the next level”, and The Seattle Times says “Zune’s new top-level menu uses a big, modern font that’s not only stylish but easier to navigate”. Both of which I agree with, but I wanted to find out exactly what the font is.

As per usual, I went scavenging inside the Zune software resource files and it wasn’t long before coming across five TrueType font files buried in ZuneShellResources.dll. These appear to be all of the official Zune fonts used in both the software and marketing materials.

They are collectively called “Zegoe”, obviously based on the infamous Microsoft branding Segoe font.


Update: User xdrivenx has extracted the fonts and uploaded them to Rapidshare for all to download appreciate. I can smell the A-Team coming, so you better get it quick. Too late.

39 insightful thoughts

  1. Sounds interesting. Long, are you planning to ger a Zune? And also would it be possible to extract the fonts and use it?

  2. @Orion: I would, if I can. 😉

    You can extract the font files and use them like any other font files, as I have done to create the font sample above.

    1. Hi,

      If you have a file of the Zegoe fonts I’d be greatly appreciative if you could send me along a zip copy for download. Especially the Zegoe light. I’ll thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

      Best regards,


  3. More like Zrutiger amirite lololol

    Seriously, though, I like it. How’s it different from Segoe?

  4. I did some digging of my own in the .dll file, and found the fonts myself.
    Extracted and zipped them, so here they are for you all. 🙂

    [Edit: A-Team strikes]

    Enjoy, great find Long!

  5. Nice Job! great, i can get these before the A-Team, unlike last time (sigh) but i still found them! thankyou very much Long, and you too Xdrivenx!

  6. Yeah, I also wanna know what’s the difference between the MS Segoe from Vista/Office 2K7 and this “Zegoe”.

    Also, what’s the font that the Zune marketing team has been using this whole year with their whole overlaid text on top of pictures campaign? Is that “Zegoe” or is it regular Segoe?

  7. probably zegoe, the font was apparently made in 2006. as for the differences, i am yet to find uot. i will investigate

  8. @Twenty5: Just like you did in XP man, no biggie.

    Start -> Run -> C:/Windows/fonts, and drop them there. 😉

    Thanks for the info Long! 😀

  9. OMG, these are really clean and slick fonts. I cant seem to download from the speedyshare site or the rapidshare site…could anybody send it to me if you guys have to [email protected]. Thanks A Million!

  10. Awesome and great addition to the interface instead of that crappy Convection font used on the Xbox 360, works very nicely on my Zune 30. Can anybody give me these as well? My e-mail is [email protected]. THX.

  11. If anyone still has a copy, I’d like one as well. Please email it over to web [at] zuneboards.com


  12. Zegoe Light us great for modern website banners. Plus it makes a nice menu font for Windows 7.

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