If you live in Sydney Australia, are a tertiary student and need a good reason to avoid school on Tuesday the 2nd of September, then come to TechEd Australia Student Day. It’s just like watching a movie in the cinemas except there’s no explosions or romance and the audience is full of geeks. The event is not yet rated.
Understandably all uni students are broke so Microsoft is not only hosting a free half-day event from 1-4pm packed with XNA game development, robotics, web development, Olympics and some career advice (no event is complete without), but there’s also a female geek celebrity called Ms Megabyte (apparently not her real name) and the worldwide Imagine Cup winners. The rumor is apparently they’re from Australia and one member even writes some inconspicuous blog.
On the day, Joe Wilson of Microsoft Academic Evangelism will also be officially launching Microsoft Dreamspark in Australia – the program for full-time tertiary students to own a wide range of Microsoft developer and designer tools for the best price of free.
To get in, you’ll need to register first on the Microsoft website. You can also stalk some of the other attendees on the event’s Facebook page. Finally a pro tip – if you see me on the day, please don’t ask me to link to your blog. Harsh but fair.
You need to correct the Pro tip: “please don’t ask me to link to your blog.” should be “please don’t ask me to link to your blog unless you have huge wads of cash to give me.” as per your About page.
Pro tip: 10% discount on links when you can bring exclusive Sinofsky interview rights too.
oh yeah ! Yert seems to be right, that would be a pure pro. 😉
I wished I lived in NSW and I’d be there.
@Yert Rofl. He has you Long.
@Nikco *sigh* I’m in the same boat.
Facebook gets a link and i dont? Thats hardly fair.
I had my full TechEd ticket paid for… then the business decided to move buildings next week!!! ARGH!!! So I had to get a refund 🙁