Well if you’re not having much luck trying to brute force your way to a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate, then maybe you should enter this.
In January, Microsoft gave away copies of Windows Vista Ultimate to attendees of the CES Windows Vista Lab just in case this group of Windows Vista enthusiasts has never played with Windows Vista Ultimate. It is a pretty good gift in terms of the monetary value it represents, but it literally looks like something you could buy from a back-alley way in Chinatown for $5. Nevertheless, it has a totally legitimate product key so it is worth every dollar of a retail version.
I only found this in my ‘box of stuff from CES’ last week, so that explains why it is given away right now. I also have more than an adequate number of copies of Windows Vista for my personal use, so that explains why I’m even giving it away at all. Besides the “Not for resale” notice on the CD, and good karma, that’s all the explaining I can do.
The contents of this amazing prize includes:
- Paper CD/DVD sleeve with a clear plastic window
- Windows Vista on a recordable DVD (as seen above)
- Product key label affixed to the back of sleeve
- Various fingerprints and scratches
You can use it on your home computer, work computer or even your rainbow-of-fun machine, a.k.a. the Mac.
Submit your entry at the “Win a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate” competition page.
Competition closes Monday 12th of March, 2007.
Update: Competition ended early due to an overwhelming number of responses (mostly Chinese).
The quality of your response is not judged. Winner will be picked at random using hamsters on wheels. Attempts to bribe the hamster will disqualify you of any present and future competitions.
P.S. If you are with a company and would like to giveaway a product on this blog, please get in touch with me.
Isn’t this against the law Long? I believe NFR license also means that you cannot give your software to somebody else. CMIIW.
It costs 5 RMB in China… – -~
The Windows Vista team doesn’t think so, so I’ll take their word for it 🙂
“Windows Vista on a recordable CD”
Dont you mean DVD :p
@Jordan: True that.
LOL i read it saying “CD” and when i come to comment i’ve been beaten and Long has already changed it!
lol quick!1
This competition is like asking, “So who wants to win a pile of dung?”
If you have nothing decent, constructive, or thoughtful to say keep it to yourself. I’ve been looking all over to get Windows Vista Ultimate for a cheaper price. Free (and legal) sound very good to me.
What do you feed the cows round your place?!
The image of the DVD (http://istartedsomething.com/winvistaultimate/vistadisc.jpg) says RTM. What’s up?
Wow, nice contest ^^
You made me laugh with the small contract-like letters
Lets see what happens!
I haven’t got time for the pain. You should have a “how far can you throw this disc” contest; or, who wants a new glass coaster? It’s opaque. Anybody? Oh, well.
If you think it’s so crappy, why bother even replying?
Some of us would love to have a copy of it.
I would like a copy of vista for the media center.
haha “rainbow-of-fun machine”
@sb.net: Because its burnt by Microsoft, and its the RTM version 😉
Long, your email address validation thingy doesn’t appear to like “+” in an email address.
“Email incorrect: Your pet’s name is not your e-mail address”
(I use the + for email aliasing, it’s perfectly valid – and it lets me tag things so that they don’t get picked up as spam)
This is prettey cool, Long. Good on you. 🙂
Various fingerprints and scratches – That’s my favourite part of the prize!!
Thanx for doing this
Long, I just received the cap. Its nice. Thanks for sending me one. now send me this too :P.
“Duplicate entry: Your multiple personality has already submitted an entry!”
I have never entered before and it wont let me submit
As a tablet guy, I world love to try the personalized hand-writing recognition!
Thanks,i wish myself i can get vista!
I want it. Thank you!
I am come from china ,I want to try!
Thanks,i wish myself i can get vista!
Good luck!!!
Thank you!!!
Ilike Vista!
I am in china!
Good luck !
I need.
I am come from china ,I want to try!
I want!
This is cool!!!
mm…. i guess Long is again linked at some chinese site.
呵呵, ^_^
I am come from china.
I am come from china ,I want to try!
Good Luck Me!
I am in china
If I win it,I very luck!
I meed.
goodluck for me!!!
Ilove vista. love mlcro too.
Thanks Microsoft!
I love vista. love micro too.
I love windows vista
thank you
222006 江苏连云港市郁州南路11号1-201室7信箱。
I love vista, love micro too. 222006江苏连云港市郁州南路11号1-201室7信箱
Oh brother.
Hmmm. If I say, “I am hot, female, sexy hamster come from China,” do I get disqualified? I’m trying to bribe the hamster.
yes ,I’m looking forward to that !
good luck for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🙂 i just hope ~
Thanks Microsoft!
see you!!!
I want to get vista
thank you !microsoft!
I love Windows Vista!
I like it very much!
361004 福建厦门文屏路28号706室
good luck for every one!!
I want to try effect out , take a look at how
thank you
yes ,I’m looking forward to that !I love Windows Vista!
Good Luck
i want …vista………
thank u.
Thanks Microsoft
I will try it
Thanks Microsoft
I Want have it
I would like to try the Vista Ultimate to see what’s the difference with XP.
I like it!
I would like a copy of vista for the media center.
Franklin Pang IT Dept.
Add : New District Science & Technology Park,
No.55 Ximei Road,Wuxi,Jiangsu
中国无锡新区 华润安盛 锡梅路55号 IT部 franklin 逄
I would like to try the Vista Ultimate to see what’s the difference with XP.
i wish
Wish I am lucky.
God bless me!
I like it!
I will try it,Thank You.
like it!
I like it!
good luck to me!
good luck to me i love vista
i love it
i love it
oh! my god, I’m back…..
Judging by all the comments, I take it that the Chinese flooded you again?
lol, they are invadeing :(, Can you do a Australia only contest :p
I like vista.
i want get the vista .
Yeah 🙁 make it an Australia content! 🙂 🙂
goog? vista
I like it and hope the good luckies to me.
form china boy!